Uraz kolana - i co dalej?

Informacje dla pacjenta



About us

Chirurgiakolana.pl was created as a result of our professional fascination with knee injuries. Our standards developed over the years, concerning the diagnosis and treatment of knee injuries, allow us to provide the best care and treatment in a short time. Our primary goal is immediate treatment. We recognize that any injury leading to sudden disability is difficult for the patient, therefore perfect organization of a coherent process of diagnostics and treatment, as well as cooperation with many medical centers all over Poland, allows us to reduce the time of illness to an absolute minimum.

We are open to patients from abroad and have experience in delivering the very best treatment for our patients.

Contact us here for more information:

or write to us in our contact form below.

Please take a moment and let a fill out any necessary information about what type of assistance you need from us. We shall contact you in the next 2 days. Thank you.



Telephone number




Dodatkowe informacje

  • Page Title: About Us - Chirurgia Kolana
wtorek, 18 wrzesień 2018 11:44


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